Proposed Constitution

This constitution will be presented to the AGM on 7th June 2023.

Written constitution of Transition Town Milton Keynes
(an unincorporated association)

  1. Name. The name of the Group is Transition Town Milton Keynes also known as Transition Town MK and TTMK
  2. Aims. Transition Town Milton Keynes is a group of local people concerned about the urgent need to address the climate and ecological crises. TTMK works together to improve the resilience of communities in Milton Keynes. It does this through practical actions that advocate for a low carbon lifestyle and social and economic justice.
    TTMK may organise specific projects to further these aims. As of May 2023, as well as regular TTMK activities, TTMK runs two projects – Planting Up (Permaculture) and Milton Keynes Doughnut Economics.
  3. Powers. In order to achieve its aims the Group may:
    a) Raise money
    b) Open bank accounts
    c) Take out insurance
    d) Run specific projects in line with its aims (See Aims above)
    e) Organise courses and events
    f) Work with similar groups and exchange information and advice with them
    g) Do anything that is lawful which will help it to achieve its aims.
  4. Amendments:
    Amendments may be made to this constitutional document except that no amendment may be made which would contradict TTMK’s aims. Amendments must be voted on and agreed at either an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting attended by at least 10 members.
  5. Membership.
    a) TTMK membership is open to any individual over eighteen without regards to disability, political or religious affiliation, race, gender or sexual orientation who is:
    i. Interested in helping TTMK to achieve its aims;
    ii. Takes part in either TTMK activities or one of TTMK’s projects. Taking part is defined as regularly attending activities or meetings or fulfilling a specific responsibility (e.g updating a website) or paying a regular subscription.
    iii. Willing to abide by TTMK’s rules; and
    iv. Willing to pay any subscription agreed by the Management Committee.
    b) The membership of any member may be terminated for good reason by the Management Committee. The member concerned has the right to be heard by the Management Committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made.
  6. Management.
    a) TTMK will elect its officers – a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary – at its Annual General Meeting. If a post falls vacant, the remaining officers will appoint a member to fill the vacancy until an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) can be held, at a date no later than three moths from the date of the appointment.
    b) TTMK is administered by a Management Committee of not less than three individuals, all TTMK members. Members can put themselves forward to join the Committee, which must be approved by the Management Committee.
    c) The Management Committee must meet at least four times a year.
    d) At least three Management Committee members must be present for a Management Committee meeting to take place.
    e) Decisions will be made by consensus or a vote at Management Committee meetings. If there is a tied vote, then the Chairperson will have a casting vote.
  7. Duties of the Officers:
    a) Chair:
    i. Chair group meetings
    ii.. Represent TTMK at functions/meetings
    iii. Act as the spokesperson for TTMK where necessary.
    b) Secretary:
    i. Prepare the agenda for meetings
    ii. Take, keep and circulate minutes of meetings to the membership
    iii. Collect, maintain and circulate any relevant information and documents
    within TTMK
    iv. Keep a membership list.
    c) Treasurer:
    i. Supervise TTMK’s financial affairs
    ii. Keep proper accounting records that show all the monies received and paid
    out by TTMK
    iii. Present records when requested by the Management Committee.
  8. Finance
    a) All monies received by or on behalf of TTMK will be applied to further TTMK’s aims and for no other purpose
    b) Any bank accounts opened by TTMK with be in TTMK’s name.
    c) Any cheques issued by TTMK must be signed or authorised by the Treasurer and one other officer. Online payments must be authorised by the Treasurer.
    d) TTMK may pay reasonable out of pocket expenses including travel, childcare and meal costs of members. Expenses must be approved prior to incurring them.
    e) Aside from the payment of reasonable out of packet expenses, no members or officers will receive any benefits in any form from TTMK.
  9. Annual General Meeting
    a) TTMK will hold an annual general meeting (AGM) once a year.
    b) All members will be given at least fourteen days’ notice of the AGM and will be entitled to attend and vote.
    c) The business of the AGM will include:
    i. Receiving a report from the Chair on TTMK’s activities for the year
    ii. Receiving a report from the Treasurer on TTMK’s finances
    iii. Electing new officers
    iv. Considering any other matters as may be decided.
    d) Quorum for an AGM or EGM will be a minimum of 10 people.
    e) In the case that the AGM or EGM is not quorate, then the meeting will make tentative decisions which will be circulated to the membership for ratification online or by electronic mechanisms. This will take place within 14 days of the meeting and members will have 5 days to respond.
  10. Dissolution
    a) In the event of TTMK’s dissolution, any tools, equipment and cash held or remaining in the bank account will be donated to the Transition Town movement.
    b) In the event of TTMK’s dissolution, none of its assets may be distributed to any of the officers or members and no officer or member can claim any intellectual property from any work developed by TTMK or its projects.