Imagine MK – Creative Ideas

Some inspiration for the competition

When you imagine what you want life to be like in Milton Keynes in 2030, think about how you will be living in a sustainable city. 

Think about how old will you be in 2030. What will you enjoy doing? How will life be different to now? Think about…

  • How you will get around the city and travel
  • How you will study and work
  • What your home life will be like
  • How things will be powered
  • What you will eat and drink, and where they come from
  • What your neighbourhood and the city will look and feel like
  • How the buildings and open spaces will be used
  • How things will be produced and consumed
  • How you will have adapted to the future
  • How you will behave differently and act more sustainably to care for people and nature
Future vision for clean mobility
Bartz/Stockmar, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Learn about our Imagine MK: Creative Ideas Competition & how to take part. 

Applying the Sustainable Development Goals to our lives

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are all important.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

They give us a common, globally agreed language for us to work together to tackle the challenges of the climate crisis.

170 Actions to Transform Our World
Get inspired by 170 Actions to Transform Our World!

This book contains 10 daily suggestions for each Goal on how you can make a difference in the world around you.

SDGs for us to focus on

We can relate to some of the SDGs better than others in the UK, and in Milton Keynes… Why not try focusing on these to start with:

SDG Goal 3

Locally, the people of Milton Keynes suffer high rates of preventable ‘lifestyle’ diseases, these include heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Many of them can be prevented by making simple lifestyle changes like eating healthier diets containing more fruits, vegetables and wholegrains, getting regular exercise, having plenty of sleep, and learning how to manage stress.

SDG Goal 6

How Goal 6 Applies to Us in MK
Amazingly, Milton Keynes is in one of the driest areas in the United Kingdom. The hotter summers caused by climate change, on top of our fast-growing population, means that our water supplies may become limited if our water consumption keeps increasing. And if water becomes scarce, it is likely to become more expensive too. It is really important that we take steps to conserve and not waste water.

SDG Goal 7

How Goal 7 Applies to Us in MK
Locally, there is a lot we need to do to get more of our electricity from renewable sources in Milton Keynes. We can make better use of energy by wasting less and using it more efficiently. We can also support solar power projects for Milton Keynes schools, homes and offices – just like MK Community Energy is helping us to do.

SDG Goal 11

How Goal 11 Applies to Us in MK
Locally, Milton Keynes is predicted to grow by another 25%, which means building around 2,000 homes in the area each year. Each of those families needs access to all of the resources we take for granted in MK while not overburdening some of our already scarce local resources. All of these things needs to be considered in how our city plans its developments for the future.

SDG Goal 12

How Goal 12 Applies to Us in MK
Locally, we are all guilty of buying too much stuff, including food that goes off and gets thrown away, clothes that we only wear a few times, and generally things that we don’t really need. Being responsible about what we consume and produce is about reducing what we buy, and doing more and better with less, where we live more sustainable lifestyles that mean we don’t cause as much waste that is not recycled or able to be reused.

SDG Goal 13

How Goal 13 Applies to Us in MK
Locally, Milton Keynes is already feeling the effects of hotter drier summers caused by climate change affecting people’s health, damaging famer’s food crops, and reducing our water supplies. We regularly suffer flooding now too, due to increasingly heavy rains from the disruption climate change has on the water cycle. We must all take steps to reduce our carbon footprints and work together to take action on climate campaigns.

SDG Goal 14

How Goal 14 Applies to Us in MK
Milton Keynes may be a long way from the sea, but this goal is just as applicable to us. Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea. We can support organisations that protect the oceans, and we can stop using plastic which often ends up in oceans causing death of marine animals.

SDG Goal 15

How Goal 15 Applies to Us in MK
Nature is critical to our survival. It provides us with our oxygen, regulates our weather patterns, pollinates our crops, and produces our food, feed and fibre. But it is under increasing stress, including here in Milton Keynes as our increasing population puts more pressure on our land from more housing. Eating less meat, composting food and garden waste, and opting for seasonal, locally grown produce are just some of the environmental actions you can take to help with this goal.

Some ideas already in place for MK

Milton Keynes Council has a Sustainability Strategy for 2019 – 2050 and a Milton Keynes Strategy for 2050

Their long-term vision is to make Milton Keynes into a world- leading sustainable city which embraces innovation, creates high quality jobs and is carbon neutral by 2030 and carbon negative by 2050.

These plans build on Milton Keynes driving the technology revolution, with robot and drone delivery, some of the smartest software businesses in the country, as well as ideas for new driverless electric-powered vehicles, like trams that run on the road.

More useful resources to look at

Information for primary school children

BBC Teach has some resources for teachers and pupils in their ‘Changing our world’ series.

Information for children aged 7 – 14 years old

WWF’s latest climate change classroom resources provides Shaping our Future lesson plans and supporting resources for teachers and educators of young people aged 7 to 14.

WWF has also created a Living Planet Report for Young People: Providing a range of resources for pupils aged 7-14 years.

Information for everyone

Discover more about the Sustainable Development Goals with everything from books and comics, videos and lesson plans, to online learning and quizzes and games.

There are all sorts of resources on the global SDGs here. Click the image for information.

David Attenborough: How to Save Our Planet
Some may have watched Blue Planet 1 back in 2017/18. Episode 7 dealt with the effect of plastic pollution on ocean life everywhere. Here’s the iPlayer link for it:

BBC Podcast on BBC sounds: “What Planet Are We On” with Liz Bonnin.

Offering solutions and practical tips as well as hearing from experts, campaigners and well-known names. Liz Bonnin and the team explore the impacts of climate change.

Explore this excellent, balanced content. In the first episode Liz interviews Sir David Attenborough.  A subsequent episode covers food waste, diet and the need to switch to more plant-based nutrient-dense food.

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